Things get harder and harder; my efforts are despised by them,
while some of them just keep complaining
and waiting for me to perform a miracle for them,
blaming me for their misery and acting passive-aggressively for years.
Sincerely if they want me to die...
Honestly if they just want to keep complaining...
Sincerely if they feel so powerless...
Then I know what my real enemies are...
Something it's true in the literal way
That this is a battle to dead
At least for me
Sometimes I regret about the skills I got
But I hate so much the way most of my close people have dead as slaves
I won't give it to opportunity to kill me so easily
If it and they want do make it the LAST fight
Then I'll give all I got!
I don't have anything to fear anymore
They have taken away from me little by little what I love the most
And I won't give them my soul
Take wathever you want I don't mind anymore...
But you won't take my soul
My first fight for life will take a some months
Sincerely, Ajztrrha Myjzrrha.
PD: When I won the post will be deleted, otherwise... well...
... godspeed